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Liminal Spaces The cell exists in a liminal space, not fully alive or simply part of the non-living background of reality. The cell hasn't yet crossed over into full, realized life. It was there at one point, but it's not there yet. The cell exists in a state of ambiguity, between the known and the unknown, between reality and perception. The cell's undefined existence is clarified by its ability to perceive t.. 2025. 3. 5.
Multiply Offspring For species to survive mass extinctions, having a high degree of genetic variation, which is facilitated by sexual reproduction, was more crucial than simply producing large numbers of offspring quickly, as it allowed for greater adaptability to changing environmental conditions and a higher chance of some individuals possessing traits advantageous for survival. Genetic diversity acts as a reser.. 2025. 3. 4.
Inside the Cell Endosymbiosis refers to the process by which one organism lives inside another and both benefit from the relationship. The most significant example of this in evolutionary history is the origin of eukaryotic cells, which is explained by the endosymbiotic theory. Eukaryotic cells are thought to have evolved from a symbiotic relationship between two or more prokaryotic cells (simpler, single-celle.. 2025. 3. 2.
Cast Out At the birth of the cell—life’s tiniest building block—the life was cast out of the real world; it ultimately led to the possibility of human growth, learning, and experiencing the full spectrum of life beyond a perfect, but limited, reality. Once the first cells formed—once there was that protective boundary between “inside” and “outside”—life’s trajectory was changed forever. The simplest way .. 2025. 2. 27.
There Was Light Light was a fundamental energy source for early life on Earth. Early Earth's atmosphere and oceans were vastly different. Sunlight provided a crucial energy source, driving the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis, performed by early microorganisms, used light energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugars—energy-rich molecules—and oxygen. This process is considered a cornerstone of.. 2025. 2. 24.
Holding a Thought The human brain is a highly complex and sophisticated system, constantly processing vast amounts of sensory input to guide our behavior, make sense of our surroundings, and form memories. The process of filtering and focusing on specific sensory inputs while connecting them with existing memories seems essential to how we understand and navigate the world around us. The complex interplay between.. 2025. 2. 11.
Eternity in Time Time is often perceived linearly, moving from past to present to future. Some cultures and philosophies, however, view time as cyclical, with events recurring in patterns. Time is measured in units—seconds, minutes, hours, or days, months, years—and is intrinsically linked to change and motion. It is a framework within which events occur.  Our understanding of time shapes our experiences, decisi.. 2025. 2. 4.
Sleeping Brain The human brain, a marvel of evolution, demonstrates a delicate balance between wakefulness and slumber, each state serving a critical role in maintaining optimal cognitive function. During our waking hours, our working memory acts as a dynamic, ever-evolving "mental notepad," facilitating the processing and manipulation of various data essential to our daily lives. However, just like our muscle.. 2025. 1. 9.
Ethics born A common ethic is formed in the progress from pattern recognition to prediction. We collectively make predictions and observe their outcomes. As pattern recognition and prediction technologies evolve, a common ethic is formed. We develop shared understandings about acceptable, desirable, or harmful behavior. These shared understandings form the basis of our ethical frameworks. Common ethics ar.. 2025. 1. 4.
Recognizing Patterns Cognitive abilities developed from repeatedly experiencing the instinct to forage for food and avoid danger. Sensory perception of the external environment evolved into the ability to communicate with conspecifics, share information, and utilize accumulated collective intelligence.Stargazing is one of the key aspects of how human cognition and cultural practices have evolved. Early humans observ.. 2024. 12. 29.
Future Anticipations We experience the past and anticipate the future.We experience the past and anticipate the future. It is the concept of how we as humans engage with these temporal dimensions. It fascinates us and leads to a deep awareness of time—understanding history to make sense of the present and perhaps even predict or shape the future. This idea ties closely to wisdom, planning, and the ability to learn f.. 2024. 12. 8.
Stargazing Star gazing. Before the sun rises, the world is dark, and the sky is radiant. We count the stars and wait for tomorrow to come. Since time immemorial, the sky has illuminated the stars to tell us what lies ahead. Tomorrow is foreseen before the sun rises—only a small gap between them. That's how time is defined, and life follows it. The stars have been our guide, our clock, and our source of ho.. 2024. 11. 27.
Who we are Identity perception is determined more by moral behavior, and not by one’s memory capacity. Moral behavior takes center stage in identity development, emerging as the protagonist that shapes our self-perception. While memory serves as a rich mix of experiences, the moral compass guides our actions and decisions, ultimately sculpting the contours of who we are. As sentient beings, we are driven.. 2024. 11. 24.
AI and Neurons The comparison between artificial and biological neurons reveals important insights into the capabilities and limitations of current AI systems, especially when viewed in the context of cognitive functions like long-term memory (LTM) and identity formation. In the field of cognition, the intricate work between artificial and biological neurons unfolds, revealing a captivating interplay of simila.. 2024. 11. 15.
Existence itself Time slips through our fingers like grains of sand, elusive and infinite. I chase the shadow, trying to grasp the essence, but I live in the moment. It is just beyond the reach. Is time the steady rhythm of a heartbeat, echoing the cadence of life's fragile procession? Each pulse marking a moment passed becomes a silent echo in the cosmos of existence.Perhaps time is the breath we draw, the rise.. 2024. 11. 7.
Time Perception Feel the sun's warmth on your skin, a gentle caress that speaks of days and seasons, of cycles spinning in an endless waltz.Our perception of time, a grand mosaic of intricate facets, emerges from the interplay of physiological, cognitive, and cultural elements that shape our existence. It is inextricably tied to the labyrinthine network of neurons that form the basis of our nervous system – a s.. 2024. 11. 7.
Now to Eternity As you find present, you see all of time.The present moment is not just a transient instant that disappears as soon as it appears, but rather a "window" or "gateway" into all of time. This is similar to the concept of a "holographic universe," in which every part contains information about the whole. In this case, every moment in time would contain information about all other moments in time, ma.. 2024. 11. 5.
The Opportune Moment The right time is a fleeting moment.In Greek myth, Chronos overthrew his father Uranus to become King, but destroying the past didn't keep him on the throne forever, so he had to swallow up his own children to stay in the present. Again, preventing the future didn't give him a chance to stay in the present, and his son Zeus who saved by the queen Rhea rose up and gave birth to Kairos, the opport.. 2024. 11. 4.
With you The DanceThe dance of you and I in the mind comes together with sophisticated moves, connecting our past, present, and future. You, as elusive as you are omnipresent, invite both philosophical pondering and scientific scrutiny. While some, like Aristotle, view time as a continuous flow of change, others, like Kant, argue that time is a subjective construct born within the mind. The nature of tim.. 2024. 11. 2.
Where have you been? You are everywhere.You seem to be around, but you are not at the same time. Even though you are right here with me, you seem so far away. Where have you been? I was with you the whole time.I had different ways of thinking about you. Yes, my ideas were certainly unique and innovative! I practiced Valorous Way, which sought to explore the real nature of true self and awareness of the present momen.. 2024. 10. 12.
Time Awakening The passage toward youTime resides in memory. Within shapes of time possible, we were intertwined once and in an instant we were separated.We were pure and so fragile. The impermanence of our connections to others saddened us deeply.It's true that time and memory can be both beautiful and cruel, bringing us together and pulling us apart in unexpected ways.It shapes the bittersweet awareness of t.. 2024. 10. 12.