The right time is a fleeting moment.
In Greek myth, Chronos overthrew his father Uranus to become King, but destroying the past didn't keep him on the throne forever, so he had to swallow up his own children to stay in the present. Again, preventing the future didn't give him a chance to stay in the present, and his son Zeus who saved by the queen Rhea rose up and gave birth to Kairos, the opportune moment.
Chronos' efforts to control time by destroying the past and preventing the future ultimately failed, leading to his downfall. His son Zeus, who represented a new era of time and opportunity, was able to overthrow him and usher in a new age.
After Zeus overthrew his father Chronos and became the king of the gods, he established a new order on Mount Olympus. He and his fellow Olympian gods and goddesses ruled over various aspects of the world, such as the sky, the sea, love, and war.
During this time, the concept of Kairos became more prominent in Greek thought, representing the idea of the opportune moment or the right time for action. Kairos was seen as a kind of divine force or presence that could be invoked or recognized by those who were attuned to it.
The mythological figure of Kairos was often depicted as a young man with wings, holding a razor or scales to symbolize the fleeting and precise nature of the opportune moment. He was associated with the idea of "seizing the day" or making the most of the present moment.
In many ways, the rise of Zeus and the prominence of Kairos in Greek thought represent a shift in the understanding of time and fate, from a focus on the past and the inevitable progression of history to a more dynamic and open-ended view of the present moment and the opportunities it presents.
The concept of Kairos, which refers to the idea of the "right" or "opportune" moment, is also an important aspect of this myth. It suggests that time is not just a unidirectional flow from the past through the present to the future, but a complex interplay of past, present, and future that requires wisdom and discernment to navigate.
Overall, the myth of Chronos and Kairos offers a powerful reflection on the nature of time and the importance of seizing the moment.
X의 STARPOPO님(@starpopomk)
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