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You can't teach AI new tricks

by STARPOPO 2024. 10. 8.

You can't teach AI new tricks.

There is a significant distinction between human learners, such as students, and current AI systems. Human students, through their education and experiences, can adapt their methods and understanding over time based on feedback and new information. They can reflect on their mistakes, integrate lessons learned, and apply these insights to future tasks or problems.

In contrast, while AI systems can be trained on large datasets and can adjust their outputs based on certain types of feedback, they often lack the deeper cognitive processes that humans use for learning. When an AI is told that its approach is incorrect, it might adjust its response in the short term, but without a mechanism for long-term learning and adaptation, it may revert to previous behaviors or continue to make similar errors.

This limitation is due to several factors.

1. Lack of Contextual Understanding: AI systems often operate based on patterns in data rather than a deep understanding of the context or underlying principles. This can lead to superficial adjustments that don't address the root cause of the error.

2. Limited Memory and Reflection: Unlike humans, AI systems typically do not have the ability to reflect on past experiences or maintain a long-term memory of interactions and corrections. This limits their capacity to build on previous knowledge and improve over time.

3. Fixed Training Data: AI models are generally trained on a fixed dataset, and their performance is heavily influenced by the quality and breadth of this data. If the training data does not cover a wide range of scenarios or edge cases, the AI may struggle to generalize effectively.

4. Algorithmic Constraints: The algorithms used in AI, such as neural networks, are designed to optimize specific objectives (e.g., minimizing error rates). While these algorithms can be highly effective within their constraints, they may not be capable of the kind of flexible, creative problem-solving that humans can perform.

To bridge this gap, researchers are exploring various approaches.

1. Reinforcement Learning: This involves training AI systems through trial and error, where they receive rewards or penalties based on their actions. This can help them learn more adaptive and context-aware behaviors.

2. Meta-Learning: Also known as "learning to learn," this approach aims to enable AI systems to adapt quickly to new tasks with limited data by learning from a variety of related tasks.

3. Explainable AI (XAI): Developing AI systems that can provide explanations for their decisions can help humans better understand and correct the AI's behavior, leading to more effective learning and adaptation.

Ultimately, while AI has made tremendous strides in many areas, the ability to learn and adapt in a way that is as flexible and context-aware as human learning remains a significant challenge and an active area of research.

Students, as humans, possess the ability to learn from feedback in a deep and sustained way. They can reflect on their mistakes, understand the underlying reasons why a particular approach didn't work, and integrate this new understanding into their future actions. This kind of learning is often flexible, context-dependent, and cumulative.

AI systems, on the other hand, especially those based on modern machine learning models, operate differently. While they can be "trained" on vast amounts of data and adjust their outputs based on feedback, their learning is often more superficial and constrained by the data and algorithms they were trained on.

When an AI is told that its approach is incorrect, it may make a temporary adjustment, but this correction might not be integrated into its future responses in a consistent or lasting way.

The AI might "snap back" to previous patterns because its adjustments are not based on a deeper understanding but rather on statistical correlations in the data it was trained on.

This difference underscores a fundamental limitation of current AI systems: they lack the kind of general, flexible, and reflective learning capabilities that humans possess.

While AI can be incredibly powerful for specific tasks and within specific domains, its ability to truly "learn" from feedback in the way humans do is still limited. This is an active area of research in artificial intelligence, with efforts being made to develop more robust and adaptable learning systems that can better mimic human-like learning.

The Adventures of AI

A Tale of Wonder and Learning
Join the delightful characters on a captivating journey through the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this enchanting storybook, readers will explore the fascinating realm of machines with human-like intelligence, discovering the wonders and possibilities it holds.


Preface - The Adventures of AI: A Tale of Wonder and Learning

A beginner's guide to AI covering types, history, current state, ethics, and social impact.



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